Monday, August 2, 2010

Thanks, Hank!

When I first moved to SLO from LA I worked at a temporary staffing service in San Luis Obispo. One day, a co-worker and I went with a group of people from a radio station to a concert in Tulare. It was hot, the opening band’s lead vocals were impossible to hear, we didn’t like Hank Williams, Jr. tunes anyway and a fight broke out a few rows ahead of where we were sitting. It stopped when one of the sales reps from the bus ride decked the guy who started the whole thing.

Just before Sherrie and I headed back to the bus where the drinks were hopefully still on ice, I whispered, “Just think for the rest of our lives all we have to do to be happy is realize that we could be at the Hank Williams. Jr. concert instead.”

Sort of like the motivational speaker Anthony Robbins shouting to himself, “Thank God my feet don’t stink today!” Anything to stop the negative thought.

The point is to pivot away from what you don’t want and head for what you want. And humor releases energy even in grim circumstances. That’s not to say don’t feel what you are feeling or try to slap a happy saying on a sad experience.

Everyday I have the same goal: to feel good. Humor helps me let go of whatever thought that is creating the internal drama-rama that my Monkey Mind is so fond of creating.

Today’s my day off. First I woke up at 2am, then 4am, then 5am and finally got up at 6am. I started out tired and grumpy but thanks to Hank, I feel tired but good.

What will you do to feel good today? I really want to know – so please Comment.

May you pivot towards what you love today,


PS: For more information on pivoting, check out