When I was letting go of what no longer worked, visioning what I wanted seemed overwhelming.
I was afraid of making a mistake.
Happily, I have my trusty Heal Your Life book by Louise Hay.
Under the work chapter, I found the perfect affirmation:
I am doing work I love that uses all of my talents and abilities, with people who I love and respect and earning great money.
Next I started affirming that I lived in a safe, wonderful environment that was peaceful, where I could rest.
Not being too specific gave me a chance to completely let go.
For the past month I've been living on beautiful a Paso Robles ranch.
I am helping a new friend birth his book, which is exactly what I need to read.
My mind has no clue how I ended up here, but my heart is rolling her eyes.
Trust. Intuition. Vision...softly.