I have a theory. If everyone one the planet had just one vision board in their garage, then the world will be joyful. That is, everyone would be living their life’s purpose. Life purpose means following your heart’s desire and living through service, passion and inspiration.
Collage works: it is the way artists, designers and architects turn dreams into reality. Working with images through journaling and other techniques is an interactive process. Instead of waiting for life to happen to you – you are creating the life you wish to manifest!
Collage works: by understanding the language of your own imagery, you develop and expand your natural talents. This leads to renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Collage works: by integrating your soul’s images back into your body through movement, you allow well-being and light to flow through you in daily tasks.
These days, I have several different ways I collage. Affirmation cards, monthly collage calendars, a God can (I can't, but God can) that is actually a cup and Soul Collage cards created the year after my mother died. All of these methods have yielded insights. Plus, making art is just so darn fun!!
Click on the link below for the next step in Visioning!!!
What to Do with a Vision Board